Camera club new member buddy system
Thank you for your interest in the buddying-up option for the Camera Club. If you could fill in your details below I’ll then match up new members with existing ones based on common interests, gear and time zone (don’t forget to click the “Submit” button when you’ve finished).
The formal buddy system will run for 4 weeks (see below), with a few specific tasks for you each to complete. After that I hope you’ll both stay in touch and continue to ask questions and provide encouragement.
I will give your email address to your buddy.
Apply here:
The first 4 weeks
Feel free to ask additional questions/offer extra help, but use this outline as a minimum to get the new member up and running. New member should feel free to ask old member anything about the club, however basic it sounds.
If either person can’t commit to the 4-week timetable that’s fine - just agree when you will work through the tasks.
Week 1: Old member make contact by email to establish -
what’s the best way of communicating for both of you (FB messenger, email, AYWMC app….)
what gear you both use
has new member worked out how the lessons platform and the FB group works? - any questions?
Week 2: Introductions
Both buddies ask a few questions of the other person so they can introduce them in the FB group. eg. what do you like to photograph, how long have you had a camera, where do you live etc. Once you have a few details, each please introduce the other in the FB group.
Week 3: Making the most of camera club
Old member - highlight/explain the header competition, the monthly/weekly project threads, the feedback video and the critique threads. Encourage new member to post a photo if they haven’t already and follow up if needed.
New member - post a photo in the group if you haven’t already. It can be a one-off, or in one of the threads. Ask old member for advice about which photo to choose if you want to.
Week 4: Technical help
New members may still be consolidating their technical knowledge of apertures, shutter speeds etc. They may not want help, but the whole camera club is on stand-by to pitch in if needed.
Old member - ask where the new member still feels unsure and offer help if needed. If you can’t help, ask in the FB group for advice.
New member - be honest about what you need help with. If the old member can help they will love to see you make progress, and everyone in the FB group would love to chip in.
After Week 4: Ongoing help
Every buddy pairing will be different, but please continue to ask questions and offer help both ways. New members may be interested to know that one of the most common reasons given by old members for wanting to be a buddy was that it would encourage them to be more involved with the camera club. So you are both holding each other accountable: it’s not a top-down “old member to new member” relationship, it will hopefully mature into a two-way peer-to-peer relationship.