Is it still art if it's too easy?
I don't care. It was Eric Renno (Photoshop's TipSquirrel - and your one-stop shop for all PS tips & tricks) that first brought this perfect app into my orbit. With good reason was it the App Store's app of the year 2016: the power this little art filter app holds is breathtaking.
It doesn't need any explanations. Take a photo from within the app, or pick one from your camera roll. Try a filter. Share, or save back to your camera roll. That's it.
You can stay reasonably realistic (original photos and behind the scenes set-up at the end of the post):
Or you can stray from the truth a little more:
The photos above were all shot against a white background. If you add some texture, the app has more to work with:
Prisma app review: the details
1. It's currently free.
2. It's available for iOS and Android.
3. You can make 15 second videos with some of the art filters applied.
4. Some of the filters need a signal, others will work offline.
5. The export size seems to be 1600 pixels on the long side.
6. Export a creation and then re-import it and use a different filter, for increasingly exotic images.
A hidden feature: adjust strength of filter
This one is easily missed, but if you swipe left/right before you save or export your artwork, you can increase or reduce the strength of the filter.
Full strength filter
Same filter, but at 40%
Behind the scenes
This was my shot set-up for the original sunflower (excuse the mess, it's in the studio):
And these are the two original shots before the filters were applied. The background is Grey Temple Walls from Capture By Lucy:
This post is one in a series of The Art Of Flower Photography posts. Read the rest here: