The camera never lies, but your eyes will deceive you. Who knew that the shadows in a pink peony were actually yellow?
With a bit of Lightroom tweaking you can restore your disappointingly yellow peony to her pinkful glory. It's easier to show in a video, but if you just want the yellow shadow steps, here they are:
Develop module > HSL box > tweak orange and yellow HUE sliders (to the left)
Develop module > HSL box > tweak orange and yellow SATURATION sliders (to the right)
If you can't see the video player you can watch the video here: Click to view video
Fuji XT-1, 40-150mm lens at 100mm, ISO200, f2.8, 1/30, tripod, self timer
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This is one of a series of posts with behind the scenes steps of floral photography. To see the rest of the posts, click here: The Art Of Flower Photography.